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Breed: DMH
Age: 7/1/2022
Sex: Female
Location: Mayfield
Adoption Fee: $200
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C24525
Suitable as an Only Cat: Yes
Child Friendly: Yes
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: Low
Preferred Human Interaction: Loves to be pet
Level of Grooming Required: Low
All About Me and My Unique Personality: Rosie is a sweet cat who loves to be pet, brushed, and cuddled. She has a very gentle temperament and loves to sit on your lap and knead you with her paws. She can be shy at first but soon shows her friendly side and will follow you around with lots of loud purring.
My Ideal Home: Rosie would be suited to a calm household that can ensure she feels safe. She has come from quite a busy household where she has gotten along with her fellow cats and elderly dogs, however retreated upon the addition of new and younger animals, so she would benefit from her new home having either only calm and trained adult pets, or being an only cat.
What is Known About My Background: Rosie was a reluctant surrender from a household whose new pets became too much for Rosie and decided a calmer household was needed for her to live in.
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: Rosie is cat and dog friendly, however does not like being around untrained puppies and untrained dogs. She can be shy at times, so would require her new house to have well trained pets that will allow her some space. She is child friendly.
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