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Breed: DSH
Age: 01/11/24
Sex: Male
Location: Rathmines
Adoption Fee: $250
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C24544
Suitable as an Only Cat: Unknown
Child Friendly: Yes
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Unknown
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: High - typical kitten
Preferred Human Interaction: Rocky is happy being around people
Level of Grooming Required: Low
All About Me and My Unique Personality: Rocky is a gorgeous little black kitten who loves to play! He is becoming more confident around new people and loves a pat. Rocky comes running to you when he decides its time for food. He is very interested in kitten toys and all he wants to do is play until he crashes for a nap. He loves his kitten siblings so would love to be adopted with one of them.
My Ideal Home: Rocky loves to play with his kitten siblings, so would love to be adopted with one of them or in a home with another friendly cat. Two kittens are better than one, as they teach each other appropriate behaviours and will stop each other getting lonely. If Rocky is adopted as a solo kitten, he will need someone who is around a lot so he doesn't get lonely. He will need some toys and a scratcher. As with all Hunter Animal Rescue cats, he needs to be adopted as indoor only or in a secure cat enclosure.
What is Known About My Background: Rocky came into care with his mum and 6 kitten siblings after being found as a stray when he was only a few weeks old. He is scheduled to complete his vet work, after which he will be ready for adoption.
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: Rocky loves other cats and kittens, so would love to be rehomed with a sibling or in a home with another cat or kitten. He should be fine with a cat friendly dog after an appropriate introduction. He is gentle with children, but being a little more shy, may be better suited to a home without very young children.
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