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Breed: DMH
Age: 20/10/24
Sex: Female
Location: One Mile
Adoption Fee: $250
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C24498
Suitable as an Only Cat: Yes
Child Friendly: Yes
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: Medium
Preferred Human Interaction: Yes
Level of Grooming Required: Weekly brush
All About Me and My Unique Personality: I WILL BE READY TO ADOPT ON THE 17TH JAN
I'm a confident and outgoing girl who loves people of all ages. I'm happy to be picked up and cuddled and love to snuggle with my humans and dogs in bed. I like getting slobbery bathes from the dog live with - often seeking comfort and warmth from any of the other animals I live with.
My Ideal Home: I'm confident enough that I would suit any home - I'd quite like to have company if my family were out for the day - but I would cope as an only cat as long as I got lots of cuddles.
What is Known About My Background: My siblings and I were found in someones shed at around 3 weeks old.
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: I'm super friendly and gentle so would be suitable for any age children, Im not easily spooked and would tolerate being picked up and cuddled. Although I am a typical kitten, Im not too rough when playing. I am very respectful of the older cats and dogs that I live with.
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