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Breed: DSH
Age: 29/9/24
Sex: Female
Location: Gungal
Adoption Fee: $250
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C24477
Suitable as an Only Cat: Yes
Child Friendly: Yes
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: Medium to high
Preferred Human Interaction: Loves attention
Level of Grooming Required: Low
All About Me and My Unique Personality: Dora is the most confident playful kitten i have in care everyone she has met she has rolled around their legs head booping them trying to get all the attention she just loves everyone. Dora loves her food and uses her litter tray well is already desexed vaccinated wormed flea treated and chipped she came into care with a badly damaged eye that we tried to treat to fix but the decision was made that it was going to be an ongoing problem for her so under vets advice it was decided that it needed to be removed Dora is such a little trouper it appears that she hasn’t noticed it not being there she hasn’t missed a beat she spends her days racing through the cat tunnel and wrestling with her foster siblings
My Ideal Home: Dora needs an inside home she would love one of ger fister siblings to be adopted with her she has 3 kittens and an adult she is currently living with this is not essential
What is Known About My Background: Dora was found at a rural waste depot
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: Dora loves everyone she can be a little shy meeting new dogs
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