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Breed: Ragdoll
Age: 21/09/2022
Sex: Male
Location: Windermere Park
Adoption Fee: $200
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C4550
Suitable as an Only Cat: No
Child Friendly: Unknown
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: Low
Preferred Human Interaction: Needs to be near his humans a lot
Level of Grooming Required: Very high- requires daily brushing and may require professional grooming at times
All About Me and My Unique Personality: Andy is the sweetest, most friendly little man. He enjoys a balance of chilling out with his favoured humans and running around, chasing after his favourite toys and exploring the house.
Andy was surrendered due to behavioural issues that arose from stress and anxiety however, he has not displayed any of these behaviours in his foster home- this will be discussed further for interested parties.
When Andy came into care, he was suffering from a skin condition, which was investigated by the vet and ascertained that it was due to a fish allergy, so he is on a fish-free diet.
Whilst Andy is independent, he prefers to always be around his humans and loves to sleep on their bed.
My Ideal Home: Andy must go to a relatively quiet home where he will feel safe, loved and all the humans are gentle with him. His new owners must be prepared to work with him if any of his stress and anxiety behaviours return.
Andy would be best in a home where people are home more often than not, and he needs another cat friend who likes to play and chase toys with him and provide him with cat company. He also needs a home where he can sleep on the bed with his humans. He is an indoor only cat.
**Andy cannot go to a home where he is the only cat and home all day on his own whilst his humans are at work. He needs company most of the time.
What is Known About My Background: Not much is known about Andy's background, other than he was surrendered after his elderly owners were no longer able to care for him.
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: Andy is beautiful with other cats and dogs. He has absolutely no hesitation when approaching other cats, even when they are hissing and snarling at him. He has a peaceful nature and has become best friends with one of the resident cats at his foster home.
Andy has not had any interactions with children in his foster home, so we are unsure if he would be okay with them. He would be best to go to a home with no young children, only teenagers and older.
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